Patient and Appointment Info for Women's Health

Women's Health therapists at LOPT are looking forward to working with you to address your concerns.  Communication is a key component to helping you feel better as well as giving our therapists insight on what you'd like to address.  We want to start by giving you an idea of what the first appointment could look like as well as have you fill out some paperwork prior to your appointment.  

What should I expect on my initial visit? 

At your first appointment, your physical therapist will have a conversation with you to obtain a detailed history of your symptoms, including any related medical events or procedures, your lifestyle and how your symptoms affect it, bowel and bladder habits, and your goals for physical therapy.  Your therapist will then evaluate your movement patterns, posture, and may look at your spine and hips to assess any contributing factors to your current symptoms.  For this portion of the exam, it is helpful to wear comfortable clothing that is easy for you to move in.  Some cases may include an internal exam to assess your pelvic floor muscle strength, coordination, and mobility. At the end of the evaluation, your therapist will review their findings, including initial education in lifestyle management and treatments, and their plan of care.

Pelvic health therapists understand how intimate and sensitive these topics are and will work to ensure your comfort as we progress through your treatment.  If you have any questions prior to your treatment, please feel free to contact our clinic and speak with a staff member to help answer your questions.