We offer Telehealth appointments for those unable to come into our clinics. During these 45-minute sessions, we evaluate, treat, and instruct with a home program.
Give any of our clinics a call to schedule an appointment. To make the most of virtual appointments, we suggest the following:
- You’ll need a device with a screen, camera, and microphone. This can be a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
- Find a quiet space where you feel comfortable conducting the session.
- Make sure you have enough room to move as this is still a physical therapy appointment, so exercising and movement will be involved!
- Wear clothes that are comfortable and allow you to exercise. Gather up any exercise equipment you have beforehand and have ready in your space. This will help your PT know what you have to work with. This can include weights, resistance bands, yoga mats, etc.
- Be ready to be creative!
For many patients and therapists, Telehealth appointments are a new experience, so expect to work together to try to find what works best for you!