What is a concussion?
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a direct blow to the head, neck or body resulting in an impulsive force being transmitted to the brain.
Nature of the Injury
Typically resolves on its own in 7-10 days.
Recent research shows prolonged symptoms present in upwards of 30-40% of cases that did not receive treatment.
Symptoms typically resolve before full physiological recovery.
Greatest factor for recovery is the time between injury and clinical presentation with a skilled clinician (ideally <48 hours after injury).
Signs and Symptoms
Drowsiness Light & Noise Sensitivity
Nausea/ Headache More Emotional
Vomiting Difficulty with Memory and Concentration
Fogginess Balance Difficulties
Visual Disturbances Fatigue & Difficulty Sleeping
How can physical therapy help?
We address 5 main causes of persistent concussion symptoms:
- Blood flow: exertion testing with prescription of graded aerobic exercise
- Metabolic/inflammatory: education on hydration and nutrition plan
- Visual/Vestibular: able to assess and rehab as necessary (able to refer out with more severe presentations).
- Cervical spine: overlap with concussion due to whiplash injury.
Cervical spine mobility and stability activities.
- Psychological: reassurance and education on desensitizing fear of movement and activity able to screen and refer for follow up with specialist as needed).
Resources to learn more about how physical therapy for concussions:
Berlin Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport
Physical Therapy Guide to a Concussion