
Lincoln Orthopedic Physical Therapy has been serving the community since 1982, working hard to establish a reputation as one of the leading outpatient orthopedic physical therapy clinics in the area.  We are privileged to serve patients with a wide variety of needs, but focus on orthopedic problems.  Understanding your patient’s specific needs is the best way for us to develop physical therapy programs that provide effective treatment to manage musculoskeletal problems.

Have you noticed back or neck pain due to working from home during COVID-19? Some small changes to your work station and schedule could help relieve some of the pain...
LOPT Performance is our newest location in Lincoln, which offers a new approach to working with the higher level patient. We call it modern physical therapy built for the active...
Physical Therapy is considered by the CDC an essential health care provider and LOPT has remained open to provide care in some different capacities that we want to share with...
Home Visits : Medicare and BCBS Patients have the option for therapists to go to their residence for treatment. This includes first evaluations and follow up visits as needed. Before...
Lincoln Orthopedic Physical Therapy is pleased to announce the opening of our LOPT Performance treatment location. LOPT Performance is modern physical therapy that is built for the active patient. Whether...